Anima Mundi - Maca - Adaptogenic - Libido Booster

Anima Mundi - Maca - Adaptogenic - Libido Booster



Maca is an Andean root, referred to as an herb.

Maca has been utilized as a medicinal food for centuries by the people of the high altitude Andes regions of Peru and Bolivia.

Maca is known as an adaptogen, broadly supporting overall wellbeing and a healthy mood.

Maca is nutrient-dense and is rich in copper, vitamin C, and potassium as well as trace elements like iodine, iron, and zinc, fatty acids, and amino acids.

Maca has numerous health benefits that have been scientifically backed. It can lower blood sugar, increase exercise performance, help reduce menopausal symptoms, and relieve antidepressant induced sexual dysfunction.

Highly nutritious, maca has been used as a staple food source by the people of Central Peru for thousands of years, as well as a ceremonial offering in traditional sacred rites, as currency, and as medicine to improve overall health in both animals and people.

The Incans first domesticated the plant over 2,000 years ago, and in the 1550s a Spanish conquistador chronicled his observations of traditional maca use in the Peruvian highlands.

Suggested Use: Add 1tsp to your coffee, cacao, tea, smoothie, or favorite beverage.

4 oz.

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