Anima Mundi - Spirulina - Antioxidant - Anti-Inflammatory

Anima Mundi - Spirulina - Antioxidant - Anti-Inflammatory



Spirulina has been traditionally used by indigenous populations around the
world, particularly in China, Japan and Korea. It was also an important source
of food of the Aztecs. Called ‘Tecuitlatl’ by the Aztecs, meaning “the stones
excrement”, it was commonly dried into cakes to be sold at markets and added to

Popularly known as blue-green algae, Spirulina is actually a cyanobacteria.
This classification is more accurate because its genetic material is not
organized in a membrane yet it still uses the sun as a source of energy just
like plants do.

With 70% complete protein (containing all 9 of the essential amino acids!),
Spirulina is a fabulous protein source for vegans. The robust protein found in
spirulina is extremely bioavailable with up to 85% digestibility. Its amino
acids are delivered to the body for almost instant absorption.

Spirulina contains almost all of the of B-vitamins which are essential to the
health of the central nervous system and the brain. Making sure your body has a
bountiful supply of these important vitamins will boost your mood and cognitive

Spirulina contains the phytochemical phycocyanin which is the pigment that
gives spirulina its blue-green color. Known as the “Wonder Molecule”, studies
of phycocyanin have shown it is a powerful antioxidant and is powerfully
anti-inflammatory. It also has potential therapeutic benefits for strengthening
immune function caused by the use of toxic drugs and has been shown to increase
the activation of essential enzymes and biochemicals related to the balanced
function of the liver and the kidneys.

Our Spirulina powder is cracked cell wall making it easier to absorb and
super bioavailable!

Ingredients: Organic Spirulina Powder.

Amount: 4oz

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