Anima Mundi - Ashwagandha

Anima Mundi - Ashwagandha


One of India's greatest botanical and adaptogenic treasures is Ashwagandha. Popularly known as Indian Ginseng, it's very well known for its ability to calm, soothe and strengthen the body. It serves many purposes and benefits many body systems, including the immune, neurological, endocrine and reproductive systems. It's clinically studied to help fight depression, boost brain health, and boost both fertility and testosterone.

In Ayurveda, Ashwagandha belongs to a sub-group of rasayanas, or super-elixirs, known as medhya rasayanas, which refers to the mind and mental/intellectual capacity. Herbs that fall under this category are considered deeply healing to the mind and emotional constructs. 

Clinically Proven Benefits:

- for stress relief + anxiety

- increases brain cognition

- increasing thyroid function (hypo-thyroid)

- overcome adrenal fatigue

- 300mg twice daily successfully combats stress

- natural remedy for depression

- balances blood sugar levels

And so much more! There are tons of folk based studies showing that not only is Ashwagandha considered a heal all, it's known for its' mind boosting and spiritual properties within Ayurveda. 

Ingredients: 10:1 Ashwagandha Root extract powder*

Certified Organic from India 

Amount per container: 4oz (113g) Fine Powder

Amount of servings: 102 servings (using 1/2 tsp per serving)

Suggested Serving: 1/2-1tsp (we recommend everyone to listen to their body intuitively, follow the dosage that resonates the most with you.)

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